We are currently open on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturday and Sundays.
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday – 09:30 until 4:30
Sunday – 09:30 until 2:00
We will continue to run a booking in system for the Skeet Layouts and for the two towers.
If you would like to come to shoot sporting you are now able to just turn up between above opening times.
You can book up to 2 Months in advance.
You are best to register your details when you proceed to Checkout, or register prior by going to My Account. This means you will not need to enter all your details each time you book an appointment in the future. You will also be able to login to see any of your bookings.
Look forward to seeing you all soon.
To all our customers and visitors to the ground that the entire length of upwoods road is a footpath and bridle way used my many local residents on a daily basis particularly during the lockdown period. There have been a few cars that have visited us that have been seen driving at excessive speeds along the road. Please be mindful the lane is a country road with many blind bends. Please be respectful and courteous to our local residents and watch your speed.